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Kindergarten - Ann Beattie


I have been working at Waitsfield Elementary School since 2000, in a variety of positions across grade levels. I have been teaching kindergarten since 2010. Like most kindergartens throughout the state, our kindergarten program is designed to offer a balance of intentional instruction, open exploration, and choice times. While there are specific skills that are part of the kindergarten curriculum, much of children's learning at this age, particularly the development of social skills, takes place through exploration and play.

Ms. Beattie's Blog


Typical Schedule

Typical Components of a Day in Kindergarten

Arrival and Choice Time

As children arrive they sign up for hot or cold lunch and "read" the morning message, which has an interactive component that provides students with an opportunity to sign in on the white board (later in the year they will sign in more formally on paper). Because children's arrivals tend to be staggered, this is an opportunity for me to greet each child individually and check in with them. Choice time is also a wonderful way for students to ease into the day, connect with peers, and explore areas of specific interest.

Morning Meeting

We begin each day with Morning Meeting, which sets a positive tone for our day and helps build a strong classroom community. Meeting begins with a greeting, which is passed around the circle. At the beginning of the year this helps students learn each other's names and become comfortable interacting with children they may not already know. During this time we also learn and follow routines such as calendar, weather, number of days in school, and reading the morning message. These routines lend predictability to the start of our day and help reinforce important skills in the Kindergarten curriculum.


This time will include instruction in phonemic awareness and letter formation through the Fundations curriculum, as well as independent and partner reading, and small group instruction.


During math we explore multiple topics including counting, comparing, shapes, and measurement. This often involves exploration with manipulatives and games.


During science kindergarten students explore a variety of topics through observation, experiments, and projects.

Social Studies

Instruction in social studies is largely focused on the development of social skills through the Responsive Classroom approach, with emphasis on building a caring classroom community. We also explore themes connected to global citizenship.

Choice Time

During free choice time children engage in a variety of activities including art, imaginative play, and blocks. An amazing amount of learning takes place during this time as children freely explore their own ideas and work on critical social skills.

Writer's Workshop

During Writer's Workshop, children engaged in writing at all levels, beginning by creating stories through pictures, eventually adding labels, and perhaps even writing sentences. Children are encouraged to experiment with different genres and writing styles, but ultimately they choose what they will write about each day.


We have at least one special each day. These include gym twice a week, library, music, French, guidance and art. 

Science/ Social Studies or Project time


Kindergarteners have two recesses each day, one in the morning after snack, and one at the very end of the day.

Typical Homework

There will not be any formal homework assigned. Kindergarteners are wonderfully adept at practicing skills on their own through play! (They will also be tired at the end of the day!)

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  • Support students in achievement of high academic standards; we believe that all students can master challenging academic material and we expect them to do so.
  • Foster a safe, comfortable and challenging learning environment; help teach children respect for themselves and others, and teach them to accept responsibility for their actions.

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